Just a quick announcement for those of you in the Phoenix area. I’ll be presenting FileMaker Pro 10 with a focus on practical uses for Script Triggers at the next Phoenix FMPug meeting. We’d love to see you there.
>Update 10-Jan-2009: I added a [link to the RSVP form][rsvp].
* When: January 20th, 2009 at 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
* Where: The Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave (just South of McDowell on Central)
* Who: Anybody interested in learning, sharing, and meeting about FileMaker Pro
If you plan on attending, please [rsvp here][rsvp] so they organizers can get a proper count.
[rsvp]: http://www.fmpug.com/rsvp.php?eventID=855 “RSVP for the FMPug Meeting”
The Phoenix branch of [FMPug][pug], the FileMaker Pro Users Group, is young and growing. This meeting promises to be a hit, with all the FileMaker 10 excitement. We’d especially like to thank Audrey Akhavan from [FM Magic, Inc,][magic] for starting the group and inviting us to present. Thanks, Audrey!
We can’t wait to see you all there.
[pug]: http://fmpug.org/ “FMPug: The FileMaker Pro Users Group”
[magic]: http://www.filemakermagic.com/ “FM Magic Web Site”
Now back to regularly scheduled programming.
Thank you, Geoff! I’m looking forward to your presentation and a huge turnout for this “milestone” meeting.
See you on the 20th!
Audrey 🙂