At long last, 10 has arrived! After all the tantalizing little glimpses that we got last devcon, I for one am glad we finally have something we can get our hands on. There are a lot of new features and changes to go over, and I’m going to mention them all here, but for this particular article I am going to be focusing on the huge improvements to backup scheduling and how the configuration methods have changed for the better. The level of depth in the scheduling options that the new Retention setting and souped up controls over the timing of the schedules is a big step forward. Essentially, one schedule can now take the place of many. So, without futher ado, onto the details.
FileMaker Server
Stored Calculations and FileMaker Plug-ins
FileMaker Server does some funny things when you create a stored calculation that uses a plug-in. In fact, odds are you received everyone’s favorite invalid character, the `?`. This article explains why this occurs and gives some solutions for this rather pesky problem.
Automate FileMaker Plug-in Deployment with AutoUpdate
Back in the late 19th century, when FileMaker Server 5.5 was released, one of its stellar new features was *AutoUpdate*. FileMaker Server can automatically install plug-ins on the connecting FileMaker Pro clients as needed. This is very cool, but there are a few gotchas, which are explained here.