YouTube Roundup

My previous post led me to YouTube, which reminded me of a few screen casts I did for O’Reilly when FileMaker Pro 9: The Missing Manual was released. I could only find two on line, but I thought I’d link them here in case anyone finds them useful.

The first deals with Subsummary Reporting. When I was first learning FileMaker, I remember thinking this was straight up one of its coolest features. It is magical how you can get so much richness and power out of a single layout.

>Note: I believe Daniel will be posting about his DevCon experience soon. He told me Ray Cologon’s session on subsummary reporting was fantastic. I wish I had been able to attend. Look for the presentation on your conference CD.

>Update: Ray has posted info and a demonstration of the techniques underlying his session [here]( I have not had a chance to review it yet, but everyone I’ve talked to says it is fantastic stuff. Kudos to Ray for more outstanding work.

Here’s the screencast from YouTube. Enjoy:

Next up is a screencast on using the Script Debugger and the new features in the Data Viewer. We’ve blogged on this topic before but a screencast is always a great way to see how things work.

These are a year old, but just as relevant today. Hope you like them.

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2 thoughts on “YouTube Roundup

  1. Ladies and gentleman, my Mother has officially commented on our site. This is an auspicious day. Hi Mom 🙂

    To answer your question, a goodness rating is a very silly way for me to get a numerical value into a database of people so I could teach some number-related concepts. It’s hard coming up with examples that make sense to everyone, so sometimes I decide to be silly instead.

    – Jip